
A video?

More Edward/Jasper fics have been added. I'd really like to have more of other pairings, especially Jakeward, but I need help! Just submit a fic, of any pairing, really. I would really appreciate it, and with time you'll see it as something good. :)

So I'm going to make a video for Twislash Library. It's kind of going to be like an advertisement for a library. Instead of books though, it will feature banners. I'm sure it's going to be all cheesy and lame!

What I need is banners. If you're an author, or you created the banner, and you'd like to see it in the video, please send them to me with the your name. I have some, but I need to get permission to use them. I won't alter them or anything, just add them in the video. You will be credited at the very end of the video, I promise.

Email me banners, submit fics and fic recommendations, and link the crap out of this blog! <3